domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

A Day Advenure in Iguazu Falls, Argentina

I know TLC told us that we shouldn’t go chasing waterfalls, but I bet you Chilli, Left Eye and T-Boz have never seen the Iguazu Falls in Argentina. If so, they would never “stick to the rivers and the lakes that they were used to”. Instead they would be taking speed boats under massive water avalanches, zip-cording through the jungle and repelling blindly off giant cliffs.

Me at Iguazu Falls

Me at Iguazu Falls
These waterfalls are ridiculous. There’s no doubt why they are considered one of the greatest natural wonders in the world. Seeing the incredible magnitude of these bad boys almost makes me feel sorry for Niagara. Don’t get me wrong, I love Niagara Falls, I grew up with them virtually in my backyard. They have been a great excuse to cross into Canada between ages 19 and 21. Both are great for their own reasons, but both are completely different.

Niagara Falls is developed and commercialized. Iguazu Falls is… jungle. You drive down a busy street filled with souvenir shops and restaurants to see limited viewpoints of the Niagara Falls. You walk down a dirt path lined with exotic birds and plants to see a million different views of the Igauzu Falls.
If done right, I think you only need one solid day to cover the falls and surrounding area. This is how I managed to experience the best of Iguazu Falls in only one long, amazing day (and night).

Iguazu Falls

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